Friday, 19 December 2008

Hear New Music 004

I know, it's been a while.

Shall we get started? This conversation has gotten a little awkward. By the way, everyone chose Dennis right?

1. A Wilhelm Scream - The Rip
How better to start than by ripping out your jugular with one big chord, and then dance on your body with deuling guitars? I mean, it's just perfect. Apart from the dying. Anyway, this is a great quick song from the excellent live band A Wilhelm Scream, who I recently caught tearing up a stage in Belgium. Those Belgians are crazy! In the nice way.
MP3 | Source

2. Eaten By Tigers - Secrets of the Plains
This is a seemingly internet only song from the London band who I just can't get enough of. I bought their EP online and proudly wear the badges they sent at every oppertunity. I cannot praise this band enough. For lack of disriptive words, they sound like Errors having tea with 65daysofstatic while eating up a healthy diet of This Will Destroy You. What more could you ask for? Oh, a side dish of genocide.
MP3 | Source

3. Turbonegro - All My Friends Are Dead
When you think about it, which I clearly didn't, this isn't the best song to put after a song about genocide, but it's just too good. "All my friends are dead, they got kicked in the head, All my friends are dead." Cheerful bunch. Well, actually they kinda are! If you've ever seen Turbonegro live, and you should, you will know that they bring the party! Even to Belgium!
MP3 | Source

4. Alexisonfire - Accidents
An 'oldie' but a goodie. Okay, so it's not that old, maybe five years? It doesn't matter, it's a great song, and one of their best, especially live. Thw whoa-oh-oh's are oh-so perfect, yet don't feel overly faked, especially in a song about (what one can only assume) a song about life and death in the ER. Great song.
MP3 | Source

5. No Trigger - More To Offer
Here's another great song. You know a band are good when you see them supporting a band you love (A Wilhelm Scream at King Tuts in Glasgow), and buy their album almost immediately after the show. It was a great choice, as the album is incredible, as this song well represents. If you get the chance, catch this band live.
MP3 | Source

6. Russian Circles - Death Rides A Horse
Russian Circles are as close to brilliance as any band could be. They have post-metal/rock brilliance simmering under their guitar fiddleing and bass and drums thundering. Add all that to great riffs and incredible song writing and you have one of the best bands out now. Imagine Mastodon jamming without singing and you might get it.
MP3 | Source

7. Errors - National Prism
Remember how I described Eaten By Tigers way back there? Yeah, well this is the band I meant. Errors hail from Glasgow, and I have a bigger link to the band than you'd ever have guessed. My mum did Steev's hair for his prom due to the fact that that he's friends with my sister. And now they're this good a band. Who would've thought it? Not me! A great song, by a great band.
MP3 | Source

8. Lost on Purpose - Friends
Now lets bring the tone back down. Firstly, in music terms, and secondly, in lyrical content. Yet again, let us welcome back singing about your friends as they die. "It won't be long until our friends are dead." Aww, how nice. Still, this is one of the best acoustic songs I've ever heard, so y'know... fuck it.
MP3 | Source

9. Mansions - OMG
This young boy is hailed as the next big acoustic star, and rightly so, with his great free EP Mr Boddy circulating over at The EP is so good I listened to it 3 times in a row, and still had no idea which song to pick for this. I opted for this one purely because I love the triple guitar in the midddle, and anyone who doesn't? Well then, tough luck!
Mr. Boddy EP Zip | Source

10. Pompeii - Rabbit Ears
See, theres this thing I can't find. Does america have indie bands? If they do, they're probably from the UK, or sound like this band. Which, for me, is a great reason to go and live in the states. If this truely is what American Indie sounds like, I'd like to do a swap, America can have our terrible scene, while we steal their incedible one, starting with Pompeii. Yes, please.
Eyeball Awareness 3 Compolation Zip | Source

11. Attica! Attica! - A Dirge For The Underground
I don't know much about this band, in fact I'm not sure where this Mp3 came from (it was the Red Leader Records site). What I do know is that they sound like Alkaline Trio when they wrote good music, compared to now when they are boring. Plus, they have this great vocal section in the middle which is just fraking brilliant.
Red Leader Records Sampler 2008 Zip | Source

12. 31 Knots - Compass Commands
Another band I think I randomly downloaded from Fat Wreck, this one are killer. They have a great swagger and drunken caberet feel with the simple piano clicking into place with a great vocal lead and brilliant sounding guitars. Check it out, now.
MP3 | Source

13. Walking Concert - What's Your New Thing
I heard this song years ago, and I loved it. I actively seeked this one out so I could share its brilliance with you. Just a quick, simple, american Indie style. Enjoy.
MP3 | Source

14. Panthers - We Are Louder
Again, I knew of this song previously, and thought I could really blow your faces off with it. If you don't like the start, hang in there, it's not just noise. It's a slow building lumbering huge epic. Crazy, right? Truely, they are "getting, louder." (A general note, this song should have come from Epic records site, but that link didn't work, after a bit of searching, I found it on which said it was from Vice records themselves. Going slightly outside my own boundries, but who cares? It's christmas!)
MP3 | Source

15. Architects - Always
This is basically the only metal you're getting this time, so enjoy it! Architects were great when they brought their debut album 'Nightmares' out, and even though this one took a longer time to impress on me, especially with the new vocalist, it's hefty brilliant. It has all those elements that made them the best Metal band in britain when they first came out. Post-rock hints, chug-a-thon beatdown, great lyrics and an altogether Misery Signals-esque sound, which is never ever bad.
Century Media Fall Sampler 2008 Zip | Source

16. - Can I Get More Steel in My Monitors
Of course, there comes a time in a CD when you need to wind down. But this isn't it. No, this near seven minute post-rock/odd timing funk-rock song keeps the party going just a little bit longer. It's Battles inviting Ahleuchatistas to rock out with them and Shels, who brought along their buddies This Will Destroy You. Ahhhh, what a lovely tea party.
MP3 | Source

17. Elliott Smith - Twilight
Now, lets start winding down with an oldie from acoustic genius Elliot Smith. This song is just incredible. I love it. You will too. And it blends seemlessly into the last song.
MP3 | Source

18. Red Sparowes - Alone And Unaware, The Landscape Was Transformed In Front Of Our Eyes.
I've loved this song for years. Even if I can't get into Red Sparowes as much as I'd like, this song always remains on playlists, tapes, mp3 players and CDs no matter what. I love this big pretty song, and it is my pleasure to share the love further with you. Post-rock at it's finest.
MP3 | Source

Till next time.

003 Single

These great bands just keep on giving.

Especially this one:

Defiance, Ohio

While it was easy to pick Defiance, Ohio as the Single, it was hard to pick specific tracks. They share so many, and I couldn't find one I didn't like. Yes, even without the support of a label like Quote Unquote, Defiance, Ohio share all their music online. I love the internet.

1. The List
2. The Years, The Fears, The Sleep
3. The Year

Bonus: Hair Pool (live)

More MP3s!

There's this great little website called If You Make It where bands come to the site runners house, sit on a pink couch, and play a song. You, the viewer, can watch all of these songs via the magic of recorded video and the internet. In an interesting twist, they also share music. Not only the Mp3s from these sessions, but recently entire albums! The bonus song here is a great new song from the band when they added their bottoms to the pink couch.

004 has been prodding me saying 'release me!' so I'll get to it soon! Hopefully before christmas.

Till then,

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Reuben top 25 part two.

10. No One Wins the War (217 points)
Reuben’s first song on their first album was surely a sign that the entire album was to be a great success. “One of the band's favourite songs,” Was a fairly big statement to make when they had 50 songs, how they feel about it now, with more than 100, is unknown. What we can determine though, is that the fans agreed, and what better way to show it, than it kicking off the top ten? Undoubtedly, the song is about growing as a person, with the opening lyric “You try my patience and I break your outer shell, Inside there's sweetness, but you hide it so well,” revealing a hidden poet in Jamie Lenman’s lyrics.

9. Three Hail Marys (230 points)

Where number ten allowed Jamie to grow as a person, this third album banger showed Jamie’s lyrics in an entirely different light. Three Hail Marys showed Reuben at their most stadium sounding. The song is large, anthemic, fist-pumping Nirvana-esque brilliance. Of course, Nirvana seemed to be a huge influence on Reuben, having stated it many times, not least in the lyrics to a fellow album track ‘Crushed By The Weight of Enormous Bullshit’ stating “I can still remember when I first heard the riff that opens "Nevermind" Up...My neck hairs stood up stiff”. Their influence on the band appears many times, whether in the style of lyrics, the sound of some songs (especially earlier), or just the chaotic nature of some songs. “And I am going to break, these things in my heart, Dark and disgusting, Feeling and growing, Taking over.”

8. Blamethrower (259 points)

This huge riff beast is one of the most potent on the band’s second album ‘Very Fast Very Dangerous’ with the basic message of ‘Take the blame, and don’t pass the buck,’ laced throughout the song. The anger from Jamie towards these people is also evident in the vocals and the nature of the song, making it a thunderous and shouty song, while still maintaining a cool head and perfect sound. One of the first songs to be heard from the second album, it was a huge difference from Reuben’s first, which is nothing short of a good sign, especially to Reuben fans. You got to blame somebody for all your fucking mistakes, so someone else will pay for all the bad choices that you make, and it is all your fault that you feel angry like you do, But you cannot admit it and you're stuck thinking: "Now I don't feel so fucking good.””

7. Freddy Kreuger (260 points)

Of course, in all this aggression, Reuben are just a pop band at heart, with songs like this bursting out of Radio’s everywhere, and oozing good feeling. This is a lament to Reuben themselves, and was probably the one song every fan wanted to hear live more than any other. The anthemic chorus and sing-a-long lyrics are so potent and evident that you can understand it being the biggest acclaim the band ever got, getting a huge amount of play on music channels, and even circulating the radio stations at high velocity. Of course, it’s just a song that shows Reuben are just fun at heart, a message that came through with every interview and live show they ever did. Of course, the lyrics are probably about being sick of everything, even horror films, but that doesn’t matter… does it? My name is Freddy Kreuger, and I've got the Elm Street Blues, I've got a hand like a knife rack, and I die in every film.”

6. We're All Going Home in an Ambulance (272 points)

This was probably the first recorded song I had heard from the third album, showing me a darker, more intelligent band behind the wheel. The songs lyrics are about a more serious topic than I thought Reuben were capable of; the tolerance for bullying and, in a way, racism. This is captured quite clearly within the lyrics, and how Jamie himself went through a few ordeals to inspire it. He tells of how At school the choices I made were rock and roll bands and getting good grades. But brains and wearing all black, to some of these guys, it's like a red flag,” and further “I wish I had the guts to stand up for myself, and for others as well, against these fuckers.” Obviously, while it’s a tough subject for him, the song received huge acclaim from fans and newcomers alike, who heard the song on a Rock Sound CD. The song is an incredible act, and is definitely one of my top 5. “I once saw a man, with blood on his face, from beating up black kids, I could hardly breathe.”

5. Lights Out (274 points)

In perfectly odd fashion, this was one of the first songs heard from the second album, also having been put on a Rock Sound CD. What are the chances? This song was a chance for Reuben to experiment, it was their way of “attempting to try and create dynamism without heading straight for the distortion pedal.” Of course, they succeeded and created a great song too. Thomas Lockyer from the Reuben forums thought so, as he put it number one, “Lights Out is my favourite Reuben song above all other Reuben songs for a few reasons. …It has a great distinctive riff, a few nice vocal additions from Jon, it's easy to sing along to, but I think the main reason is the fact that a lot of people can relate to… the lyrics. Most (if not all) other Reuben songs also have these qualities, but Lights Out does it in a different way which keeps me listening again and again.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I won’t.

4. A Short History of Nearly Everything (389 points)

This one is my personal favourite. It starts with this huge lumbering bass riff, and slowly brings the other instruments in, ready to charge forward with the great intensity that Reuben fans can expect by the end of the third album. As Reuben do so well, they show great emotion and burgeoning passion for their music, especially in this song, with piano taking the lead for a while, before the song breaks down to complete silence, only to explode into a chasm of wonderful storytelling and sound. Essentially, the song is about a time when Jamie and a friend climbed a big hill, and had a great day doing it, but it feels like so much more. Even Barry Ronayne agrees stating, “It’s one of the best songs to close an album that I've heard.” He also states that on more than one occasion, the song gives him “chills”. I know that feeling. “Do you remember our best adventure? Stealing off to climb Westers Hill? Creeping out of our house at midnight? Do you remember on the way down after,
I cut my leg right open on that fence? And I cried and I cried...”

3. Shambles (403 points)

How fitting too, that the last song by Reuben to be released sits so high up on a list celebrating their music. Not only that, but it was also the last song on their first ever EP! Maybe I should explain. When the Pilot EP came out back in 2001, the band named Angel had just decided to change their name to Reuben. On that EP, for the first 100 copies anyway, a two minute long song called Shambles graced the ears of fans, and they were intrigued. A rumour started to float around that the band were going to put a bigger, longer version of it on the EP, but the studio time ran out, and the short, two minute version was added instead. For years, Reuben fans cried out to hear the long version, and in 2008, they got their wish. The re-recorded song was much more in depth and showed Reuben’s progression as a band to the fullest extent, bursting with a kind of unrealised brilliance. Just before Reuben were laid to rest, their final song showed them at perhaps their most alive. Stick close to me and I won't let you go, all of this is worth it if it meant a thing to you, so suffer me, if that is all that you can do. I am good, I am good.”

2. Stuck in My Throat (411 points)

When I saw this rocketing up the chart, I couldn’t quite understand it. I had never been the biggest fan of this song, the first proper single from Reuben’s debut album. I had my doubts when I first heard it, whether the album would be as good as I hoped. Of course, I got the album and loved it straight through; with this nestling quite nicely as an album track. It was only when I listened to the song by itself, doing this list now, reading other fans words that it all really clicked. In the words of forum member Wordsfromreuben, “It’s that dirty opening riff. It’s that awkward intensity that accompanies genius lyrical content. It’s that incredibly slick transition from growling to singing that only a Lenman can provide.” It’s everything that Reuben encapsulated as a band. I love it more now than ever, as do I understand it more too. Time is a great thing. “I thought I saw you stray but I love you anyway. And I'd like us to be forever. That's what I tried to say, but it gets stuck in my throat, and words are missing.”

1. Return of the Jedi (453 points)

No Reuben song is more deserving of the number one spot. This is the one song that any Reuben fan can understand; even it spelled the end of the band long before it ever happened. In truth (and the words of Dave Venom), it’s a song that “rages against the music industry with such venom”, while still keeping the Reuben upbeat pop sensibility, and utter lyrical grace. It’s Reuben at their most truthful, stating, “these here Helmet rip offs, they don't buy my lunch, so I will get a real job in the office, and I wont bother to make my music, and I wont bother to sing my songs.” It shows certain vulnerability for their way of life and the state the music industry is in these days. For these kinds of bands who devote their lives cannot make a living off of their love, where so many others can, forcing them to get other jobs and spend less and less time being creative, until their world becomes squashed. “Piracy is piracy if you sail the seven seas or surf the net, Record firms, they're making losses but they spend it like they're making it… so your favourite bands they don't make that second album- dropped by their label cos they can't pay it back- it killed them!” Also with this song, the band take a firm stance against the record labels which have dragged them and so many other bands down into the gutter, and the piracy that causes them to loose their steady paycheck. It’s a heavy song, lyrically and musically, but still swings around with a forceful dancing beat. It’s Reuben in their finest hour, and there is nowhere else it should be than here.

Still, there is a message to be taken from it. Reuben didn’t give up there, and in fact went on to record another album, a Christmas single, and an EP. Felix Carter explains, “the "Sure..." sung in the last seconds of the song, I always took to be a sarcastic retraction of the previous verse (“I wont bother to make my music”). As if he was so in love with music that it had become an indispensable part of him, and regardless of how poor he was, or unsuccessful, he could never give up music. It's an inspiring sentiment for any musician; now bathed in the twisted light of irony, given Reuben's decline.” What else is left to say?

The gap in the hearts of Reuben’s fans will never be filled, unless they come back of course. No band comes close. None. (Cheesy, but true.)

But the saddest part of it all? We’ll never get that Doctor Who themed album!

Still, at least he gets a name drop in their Christmas single:

Carl England

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Reuben top 25 part one.

In 2008, arguably the UK’s best underground band, Reuben, split up. Well, okay, “indefinite Hiatus”, but how many bands have said that and then never act on it? The band’s official forum blossomed with uproar, memories, emotion and heartache. Reuben’s fans are loyal, I can tell you that, and everybody who had a farewell message to the band almost broke their keyboard with their huge goodbyes. It is for that reason that I have delivered this list to you. You may not know the band, but maybe this, and their music, will change your mind.

Reuben’s ten-year history had its ups and downs, including headlining festivals, having their Christmas dreams shattered, stealing fans from Metallica, almost breaking the top 40 and then breaking up. Along the way, they wrote and recorded over one hundred songs, released three albums, eleven singles, six EP’s, a huge double-disk DVD and even had time to pose as their favourite Doctor’s. This list tries to chart their musical successes by taking the votes from dozens of fans, and compiling them to find out what is truly Reuben’s greatest song.

25. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em (118 points)

Starting off the list is a great little song that was first heard on Zane Lowe’s Radio 1 show when he had them in doing a session. It’s tough little riff and fast yet complex structure made sure fans knew that album two was going to deliver, hard. I got a band and a woman too,
I got a plan and a focussed view and that's cool for twenty one”

24. Moving to Blackwater (133 points)

This slow little number was the bands final single from album number one, and personally, I think it was an odd choice. After the first (‘Stuck In My Throat’) terrorized the listener and the second (‘Freddy Kreuger’) was a poptastic wonder, it was an odd choice to see Reuben pick this, slower effort instead of something a little more crowd pleasing. However, it stuck it out and is now favoured by many as a great song, landing itself in many top 5’s. My smile is fragile, my heart is held together with string and sellotape, be gentle.”

23. Parties Break Hearts (140 points)

This one is a dirty little rocker. One for the riffs, the dancing and certainly a little bit of sexual innuendo too. A brilliant song, which is one of my personal favourites, and clearly I’m not the only one. And the word on everyone's lips is 'oxygen'. And before I can catch my breath it's time to drink and dance again.”

22. Good Luck (153 points)

Jamie Lenman donned his acoustic and a lovely girl vocalist for this, more intimate effort. This song about two separate events in Jamie’s life, which just made him want to say, “Good Luck, I hope I never see you again”. It’s a brilliantly written song, which a lot of people can connect too in some way, and I personally am thankful it made it onto this list. Cause if you hurt me, I will hate you, it's just as simple as that, it's not mature, and it's not progressive, that doesn't alter the fact…”

21. Alpha Signal Three (153 points)

Bringing in another guest vocalist for this, almost entirely aggressive look at a relationship with a girl, this song shows the more powerfully focused side of Reuben’s heavy tendencies. Take shouting, add thundering bass and guitar, chuck in some brilliant riotous drumming and stir it up with a healthy dose of great lyrics, and you might have an idea of how bloody good this song is. “I guess I loved her, But I still made her cry.”

20. Scared of the Police (158 points)

Reuben’s first single showed a side to them that was almost undeniably the way of things to come, at least for their upcoming first album. It was heavy yet very melodic, with a healthy dose of singing and shouting too, and yet still had a sense of originality and burgeoning talent. “I’m scared of your anger, and I don’t know what causes it, and you know that it hurts me, but I like you.”

19. Suffocation of the Soul (161 points)

With their third album, Reuben showed more promise than ever before, writing a great amount of songs that just exploded with ideas and stories. This song seems to be about Jamie loosing his mind a little, with hints towards it focussing on his relationships and being a member of the band. It is a powerful song, which could have many meanings that only one man now working in an office knows. I could create like it was stealing, I loved to sing how I was feeling. I had a soul that burned for beauty, but who gives a shit? I must admit, I've lost it a little bit, I've lost it a little bit.”

18. Horrorshow (163 points)

Another great from the early days of Reuben, this is the second song from their debut album ‘Racecar Is Racecar Backwards’. It seems to explore Jamie’s mind, encouraging memories for him while playing with Reuben, and showing a darker side to his personality that may not necessarily come through otherwise. Also, it shows his more dependant side on people with lyrics like I try my best and now I don't sleep, I never rest. My aching heart is emptiest when I'm alone.”

17. Best Enemies (165 points)

A more quiet sombre number, this song explains Jamie at one of his clearly saddest moments, when his girlfriend has clearly been doing something bad behind his back, and he’s had let go a woman who he felt very attached too. This shows Jamie at one of is more heart-wrenching moments, and is a perfect example of the contrast from one song to the next in Reuben’s back catalogue. So now the tears come easily and she promises to change her ways, but it's not about what you do, it is who you are that matters these days”

16. Cities on Fire (168 points)

Like many people, the day when Reuben released new material, live, on compilations or online, was the best day of the week. Reuben would always surprise, intrigue and keep you held close for the entire running time. So when I first heard ‘Cities Of Fire’ live, I was flabbergasted and loved it instantly. Before I would hear it on CD, I would hear it twice more live, and by the second time, I sang along with nearly the entire chorus. This song, inspired by the Great Fire Of London, sounds so warm, yet so abrasive, that it feels exactly as it should when describing a city ablaze. So play your violin, and breathe the sulphur in,
take it on the chin, as London sheds its skin.”

15. Dusk (171 points)

To reach the end of Reuben’s first album unaffected would be a feat. And if you had, this song would surely change your mind. The song, described by the band themselves as being about “the exhaustion that the band felt in creating their first album” and everything they went through to get to that point, funding the money for it’s inception out of their own pockets. The song itself is sombre, yet satirical and pretty frank in its description of themselves as a band. “This situation, it tears us apart, and we joke about it, we make jokes of ourselves.”

14. Every Time a Teenager Listens to Drum N’ Bass a Rockstar Dies (176 points)

At this second album stage, this was a new thing for Reuben, as it was the first to feature a pre-song computer "beats" section, and it became a live favourite quickly due to this and it’s potent chorus line. It would seem like this is about the age-old description of someone who spends all their time with their girlfriend and leaves their friends behind, to abusive remarks.
”You're so pretty, and I'm so stupid...”
became a favourite live line quickly, and it showed Reuben’s great fanbase, who would belt these lyrics back at the band, to the extent that they themselves wouldn’t have to sing them at all.

13. Let’s Stop Hanging Out (179 points)

One of Reuben’s early singles, it was a surprise to many that this was re-recorded for their debut album. Personally, I don’t see why, as it was possibly one of their best songs up to that point, and clearly, is still held up high in many fans minds. It’s chanted chorus and potent mixture of melodic and aggressive lyrics made this a live favourite quickly, and Reuben gained a new fan in the shape of MTV’s own Zane Lowe. “Oh, lets stop hanging out, Let's stop having fun, you deserve to be with no one!”

12. Banner Held High (183 points)

Personally, I was surprised to see this up this high, considering it’s a b-side on a very early single. That though, has nothing to do with the song. The song is a rip-roaring blast festival in which your face wouldn’t last 3 seconds. This song was originally favoured over the eventual A-side choice of ‘Stux’, to no avail, as it ended up 22 spaces higher in this list than aforementioned single choice. Social interaction, it makes me sick down to my stomach, I'm just building up a network, of these people I pretend to know.”

11. Fall of the Bastille (195 points)

Personally, I think this song is about a time in Jamie’s life when he was young, and his girlfriend dumped him. Well, it may not sound like an inspiring time of life, but it’s what happened after that which I think inspired the lyrics. It seems like Jamie’s dad’s words of comfort helped him out, and got him back on the right path. Who knows, it’s all conjecture really. If you say "nothing left to lose", then you have not lost your voice, and if you've got the guts to choose, I will still give you the choice”

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Hear New Music 003

You are travelling through space at 4 miles per hour, your options are EVERYWHERE and Dennis. Y/N?

1. The Hives - a.k.a. I-D-I-O-T
Starting with a kick to the face from way back in the 90s isn't exactly a way to promote new music, but when the band is just this cool, you cannot complain. Two minutes worth of energetic fresh faced punk rock, can you do better?
MP3 | Source

2. Andrew W.K. - We Want Fun
The answer is: Yes! This may come off sounding more like Kiss than your 'run of the mill' Andrew WK stuff (can you really have that after 'Slam John Against A Brick Wall'?) but that doesn't mean it's not a classic. Sure, I may be working against my own tide, since this is from 2003 [well, this version at least] but who cares when you need to kick off a party?
MP3 | Source

3. Sigur Rós - Untitled #4 from ( )
So, when I said this was a party, I forgot Sigur Ros were coming. Now, it's a movie soundtrack to a heartwarming tale of lost love, or something. Sigur Ros immediately make you forget about whatever party you were at by quenching your post-rock thirst (you do have that, right?) and making you feel warm and surrounded by pillows. I challenge anyone not to absolutely love this song.
MP3 | Source

4. CSS - Alala
These girls (and guy) hail from Brazil, but I probably don't need to tell you that. Yes, this huge band have songs to give away too! Thank you goes to Sub Pop Records! CSS bring us a completely different slice of pie and start with a few punches to the gut, before dancing around the room around your sobbing body. Shame, least you get to listen this great song.
MP3 | Source

5. Verse - The New Fury
Verse come in to pick you up from the floor, then blow you back down to the floor with this array of melodic hardcore and TNT filled riffs. This comes straight from their newest album "Aggresion", which is already being held up pretty high as one of the best albums of 2008. Simply, this is just a great song.
MP3 | Source

6. Baroness - O' Appalachia
And now for Baroness, who bring their Killing Joke tinged Mastadon sound to the forefront of your face to blow it up. Plus, it's two and a half minutes long, which is a great feat for metal bands these days. Short, brilliant songs, especially ones this good, can do just as much as 10 minute long songs can. This proves it.
MP3 | Source

7. Suicide Note - Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
Suicide Note are heavier than this, but who can deny you of this brilliant, more melodic fare from the face bludgoning Hardcore band? Not me! It's just too good, and encompasses so much more writing skill than thunderous riffs that it is worth anyone hearing it.
MP3 | Source

8. Flight Of The Conchords - Business Time
And from a completely different world, Flight Of The Conchords are a band who have just about taken over the world. But for any people in the UK who haven't heard of them, let me give you an idea. Imagine Mighty Boosh, but from New Zeland, and set in the real world (which just makes them seem stranger). You can catch the TV show on BBC2or3 in the Uk and I believe HBO in the states, but for now, let this sensually massaging song calm you, before...
MP3 | Source

9. Take A Worm For A Walk Week - Lumber Puncture
...Take A Worm For A Walk Week eat your face, and with only 58 seconds to do it too! That is all.
Midmarch Records 2007 Sampler | Source

10. Annuals - Brother
After your face is gone, you won't have much left to do except from enjoy this incredible and haunting song. "Me and my brother might find a turtle, just have some fun" remains the nicest lyric I have ever heard, and If this truely is an ode to a Brother, he better be proud, because I would be. Vote for this song, always.
MP3 | Source

11. Mimas - Treehouse
This song is great, it's just so laid back and enjoyable, I can't stop my ears from listening. I think I may be a bit of a Big Scary Monsters Records junkie. I mean, this is the first of two BSM bands to feature on this CD, and on HNM002 there were 2 more! I just can't help myself, can you?
Big Scary Monsters Autumn 2008 Sampler | Source

12. Bridge and Tunnel - Call to the Controller's Office
I think bands that sound like what the 90s called Emo are great. Emo was different then, it wasn't about whining, and it feels like it was meant to be that way. I mean, Jimmy Eat World are still about, and they are 90s Emo. Compare them to the 'Emo' you know today, and you'll get confused. Back to Bridge and Tunnel. This song is great and... well, reminds me of 90s Emo, unless you hadn't guessed!
MP3 | Source

13. Mock Orange - Beauty of a Scar
I'll be honest, this song is really nice. But if one thing sucks me in more than anything, it's the handclaps. And the chord changes. And the flowery guitar. And the sweetly calm vocals. And the great drum sound. And the thick bass. And the song structure. But y'know... mainly the handclaps.
MP3 | Source

14. Defiance, Ohio - The List
Defiance, Ohio are clearly lovely. A great little song with a great little tune, and a great little sense of love and warmth. What I love most about Defiance, Ohio though? They give all of their music away for free, and thats two reasons they remind me of Bomb The Music Industry!, which is nothing short of a brilliant thing.
MP3 | Source

15. Meet Me In St Louis - Eins Zwei Drei Hasselhoff
Oh, Big Scary Monsters, when will you not put out good music? I'm hooked now, can't you see? Even although this band are split up now, you're going to me make me love them too right? Damn. Here we are at BSM band two, and it's just as good as the Mimas song, if not very very different. A great song by a band who appear to have been really really good, who probably split up for the same reason every good British band splits up, low record sales and more income from your office job. It's a damn shame.
MP3 | Source

16. Between The Buried And Me - Alaska
If only you were born in the states and were in a metal band. This insane yet classic track shows exactly why Between The Buried And Me can be trusted to bring the 'mosh' into anyones hearts. Enjoy this or... eh, suffer it. It's really up to you and your ears, but I reccomend enjoying it, considering how it's really good and everything.
MP3 | Source

17. Caspian - Quovis/Further Up/Further In
In a way, this is three songs altogether, but since they come together and sound so damn good that way, how can you deny them this eight and a half minutes of being brilliant. This is from The Silent Ballet compelation series again, which I am loving, clearly!
MP3 | Source

18. Your Best Friend - The Path of an Illogical Liar
This may sound kind of like Noughties Emo, but in a way, it's more like the Big Scary Monsters sound I'm more than addicted to now. Really it's a hard rocking pop song in the style of The Holiday Plan (who are now Stay Puft Ruskin Matt Tracker!) which is nothing short of a good thing!
MP3 | Source

19. Jacobs Stories - Ballerina
Jacobs Stories live is great, especially if it's just him and some equipment. He has this haunting sound that just floats around your head and makes you want to marry him. But not really... I don't like my ladies to have beards... or to be men. But still, the sentiment remains. Awesome, I have this on vinyl and now I'm glad I can add it to my Mp3 collection too. Enjoy.
Midmarch Records 2007 Sampler | Source

Zip File [104Mb] | Torrent

Till next time,

Saturday, 4 October 2008


Oh dear. Things are not going well this month.

FIRST. Blogspot deleted Hear New Music 002 (along with thousands of others blog entries) and it has not been returned, so I have a rubbish one without links in it's place.

Edit! This has not been fixed! Boo!

SECOND. Rapidshare deleted the zip file of HNM002 citing "Due to a violation of our terms of use, the file has been removed from the server." And I have yet to recieve an email back regarding the exact term of use I have failed on, as (under the creative commons copyright regarding music given away free on the internet) I'm pretty much safe. [Torrents are uneffected! Continue!]

Edit! Rapidshare still haven't gotten back to me, but I've put it somewhere else, accessable from the links to the right. Hurrah!

THIRD. I'm not drunk enough.

Edit! I'm still not drunk enough.

003 is in the works.

Edit! 003 is finished, I'm just typing it all up to be nice and lovely for you all. :)


Saturday, 27 September 2008


This is new territory for me, and I'm the only one with the file at the moment. So, bear with me, and when in doubt, get the zip file :)


P.S. I'd also like to point out that I only have a 2mb net connection, and so far, it's been quite a slow uptake for anyone downloading them at the moment. Let me know if you know a way of zooming it a little.

Friday, 26 September 2008

002 Single

More than one band give lots of songs away for free? Who knew!?

This time it's:


1. Duality
2. Devotion And Desire

Source (and theres more here!)

And as an added bonus, their upcoming album 'Shudder' is streaming in full at their myspace, along with yet ANOTHER song from the incredible 'Walking Wounded' album from last year.

Generous or what?

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Hear New Music 002 (3rd attempt)

Alrighty then.

This is just a stand in due to constant deletion of this entry, as I just happened to write this in a Doc before typing here, so there's no MP3 links, just the Zip and the torrent. However, it wouldn't be that hard to find them, most are from myspaces/purevolumes/record labels, but one is from The Silent Ballet, a great website you should check out.

1. Prizzy Prizzy Please - Too Many T-Shirts
Well, how else could I start this one but with something wierd, unusual and trippily happy? The singer here has "too many t-shirts over (his) head", and clearly it's turing his band into geniuses. This song has no guitar apparently, so that wierd guitarish noise? Beats me! What it does have is gang vocals, hand claps, wierd high pitched noises and shouting. It's fun and I love it.

2. Tubelord - Half Man, Half Amazing
And guess what, I love this too! I recently saw this band along with 3 others (one of which is on this CD a little later), in what I would call the most eventful gig I've been at in quite a while. Not only did this band run off stage while playing, to serenade a girl sitting at the side not really paying attention but the other bands lost trousers and had birthdays while on stage too! And to add to all of that, the music was outstanding, as this song demonstrates!

3. *shels - The Conference of The Birds
As Rob Gordon says "You've gotta start high, then take it up a notch, then bring it down a little". Unfortunately, none of these songs took it down, so you'll have to do with this incredible 9 minute epic by *shels, a band with one of the most incredible albums I've heard in years. This one was a Rock Sound CD, where I was first introduced to the band, and sat in awe as I listened, then replayed it at least twice, before using my hard earned cash to import this album on Amazon. Incredible song and album.

4. The Stills - Animals + Insects
The Stills first album 'Logic Will Break Your Heart' holds a special place in my heart. Just after a wedding out by the coast of Scotland, I took a wander around the area with my CD player at the time, staring up at the stars and listening to this. I had never really heard it before then, in fact I'd ignored it for months after I had gotten it as a Birthday gift. But when I really listened to it, It clicked with me and I love it. This isn't the best off that album (that would be 'Gender Bombs'), but it is an absolutely brilliant song.

5. Genghis Tron - Arms
Off on the most bewitchingly strange tangent now, Genghis Tron are pretty far away from any other genre here, but with the little electronic work here, I figured this was the best home for it. Be prepared to be confused, and hear blast beats mixed with post-rock tendancies and soft electronica, I think it's pretty damn solid, and works pretty well within this setting. Though you probably disagree, don't you?

6. The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
Alright, I would be hard pressed to find anyone who hadn't heard this song before, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be included. For the uninitiated, when Death Cab For Cutie's Ben Gibbard isn't doing the aforementioned, he does this with an electronic artist named Dntel, and we should all be happy that he does, as 'Give Up' is possibly one of the best albums ever, with this in the shortlist for 'Song Of The Decade' at the Valhala Awards sponsered by God. There's also a really sombre little cover by Iron And Wine out there which is well worth finding.

7. Hundred Year Storm - Mental
A little band I found with the genius tool found on 'Random Profile Jump', which I could litteraly spend days doing (and have). This band came out of nowhere, as I think I was searching post-hardcore at the time. Still, this song and the few other songs they have up there are great, even if they having nothing in common musically! A really enjoyable little song, inclusive of a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

8. Ahleuchatistas - The Day The Earth Stood Still
One of the strangest little bands I heard on my search for songs to complete HNM2, this band verge on punk, a little bit post-rock, but especially Jazz. They have a song or two from most of their releases on their website, pretty much all good! It's a great song, but I wouldn't blame you though if you made faces like this on first listen though.

9. Protest The Hero - Heretics & Killers
Protest The Hero's latest album is just incredible and the closest band to come to the epic complex metal opera that is Between The Buried And Me's 'Colors'. This however is from and earlier album, in (slightly) more simpler times. Incredible riffs, near falsetto vocals, great arrangement and theres a great guitar battle at the end. Great.

10. Youthmovies - Ores
Although this is from when they were called Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies, Youthmovies display why they are one of the best rising talents in the UKs experimantal music scene. It's inventive and it harks itself to the best of British Emo, while traveling to such exotic locations as Post-Hardcore and Electronica. What's not to like?

11. Colour - Conversations
I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I came across this band, but it was probably though Big Scary Monsters label site, as I've just jumped on that brilliant wagon of great bands. This actually reminds me, funnily enough, of a little band who are split up now Colour Of Fire, even although there is absolutely no connection! Weird. Maybe an inspiration? Who knows. All I know is that this song is pretty damn good, catchy too!

12. Bayside - Duality
I've known this band for years now, but I only really got into them when 'The Walking Wounded' hit last year. They may be on Victory Records, but don't take that as a bad thing, as this is one of the few bands that are actually great on that label (theres about 6), and their back catalogue is just as good as their most recent output too. I can't wait for more and consider myself as a bit of a fan now!

13. Blakfish - Jeremy Kyle Is A Marked Man
This is the other headlining band from the Tubelord gig I was at. Boy, that was a night to remember. Their set was great and had an incredible ending too. The three members of tubelord ran on during the last song, stole to instruments from everyone but the drummer, and proceeded to play the end of the song, while Tubelord ran around the 13th note starting pits and jumping on tables. Great gig, and this song is great too. Their a little heavier live, but that is no bad thing!

14. pg.lost - Yes I Am
This song comes as part of one of many compilations by a website called The Silent Ballet with what seems like full conscent of the bands featured. That means that yes, theres no MP3 link here, but the compilation is brilliant so thats no bad thing. Originally I came to this one for Balmorhea but Pg.Lost won me over and stole the place (But rest assured, Balmorhea will feature soon!) with their brilliant post-rock stylings. Fantastic.

15. Every Time I Die - I Been Gone A Long Time
I don't have to explain this choice to you, the song will do that for me, with it's pop-laden hardcore hooks and great raspy vocals and stripped back bass and thundery drums. Damn it. I just explained myself didn't I? Damn you, cowbell!

16. Mike Park - On That Stage
I first heard of Mike Park when he supported Alkaline Trio at Barrowlands, and his inclusive slideshow and acoustic show working together to win the crowd over. His music is quiet yet fun, and it's an enjoyable break from the constant hardcore, metal and post-rock I love to throw at you so much.

17. Adebisi Shank - Jump Cut
Back to all that stuff, and this takes me back to that Tubelord/Blakfish gig I keep going on about, even though this band weren't even playing. Y'see, after the gig, I spent about £35 on merch, showing my appreciation to the bands. But what they had that interested me, was a box full of CDs by bands you've never heard of, all for cheap prices. I asked the guy at the table to give me a few descriptive words on each one, and picked one based on those words. This is what I picked, and boy am I glad! The EP is brilliant. And as this song shows, this band are well worth random buyings of their material. Take a chance!

18. Cats And Cats And Cats - Happiness For Lola
This band are a little like the latter (I may have found them on a myspace string of friends links) if not slightly more upbeat. Plus, with a name like Cats And Cats And Cats, how can you not love this band? Their instrumental and post-rock tones can lighten up even the saddest mans day.

19. This Will Destroy You - The World Is Our
How better to finish, than with the best post-rock I've ever heard? This Will Destroy You have one increible mini album and a Full Length in their back catalogue which are both well worth hunting down. Escpecially with the range of formats you can get it on too. You can even get it on cassette, wrapped in foe fur! Enjoy it, I have.

Till next time,

Saturday, 13 September 2008

001 Single

Occasionally, bands give more than one song away. (Shock and/or horror!) Meaning that I listen to more of their stuff (if I hadn't previously heard them that is) and I have more choices to make. Not only do I have to whittle my big list down to 80 minutes, I also have to get rid of the second choices. Sometimes though, I don't want to, and I want to let you know that even more of this bands work is surfing the internet shelling itself out to anyone who wants it. And this is where this bit comes in.

The singles section, is me making up a single for that band using the many Mp3s they lavish upon the world. This week, the winners are:

EDIT: 65dos gave their site an overhaul. These songs were lost in the process, and while I did try to find them elsewhere, not all of them were available, In fact, only track one was held at their labels site Monotreme Records. Tracks two and three have been substituted for other great songs (that I didn't know were being shared!) However, you can still hear Betraying Chino over at

1. I Swallowed Hard Like I Understood
2. Betraying Chino Hole
3. Massive Star At The End Of It's Burning Cycle Await Rescue



Sunday, 24 August 2008

Hear New Music 001

Here it is, the first in a hopefully long line of HNM. Here I offer the mp3 links (where possible) alongside the source link (the page it is from) for every song. As well as this I'm going to try and have a zip file and torrent of each HNM, with the music, the artwork and simple tracklisting, as well as a Nero cover package for all of you who own it. If there is another free cover creator free to download for everyone, let me know where to find it, and I shall use it instead. For now, simply enjoy.

Edit: Now with playlist-y goodness!

01. 65daysofstatic – I Swallowed Hard Like I Understood

England based 65daysofstatic share one of their more rock-orientated songs from their incredible debut album “The Fall Of Math”. It’s one of many songs hosted on their official website, although it is, like this, mostly older material that gets the share. Still, be grateful of any, as it’s a worthwhile introduction to a great bands already stunning back catalogue.

MP3 | Source

02. The Snake, The Cross, The Crown – Behold The River

From the 2007 album ‘Cotton Teeth’, this is a perfect example of why The Snake The Cross The Crown are a band that needs to be noticed. Their two albums simply wash over you with an immense power I didn’t think a band that mix folk and rock could do. I highly recommend getting either album by this band, ‘Mander Salis’ for more on the rock side, and ‘Cotton Teeth’ for more folk-fare.

MP3 | Source

03. The Weakerthans – Plea From A Cat Named Virtue

After hearing this song on Punk-O-Rama 9, I was initially perplexed, but after giving it a few more listens, I decided it was my favourite song on the compilation, and that’s a pretty tall order considering the Refused and Error songs on there. Luckily though, this song is available for free on the Epitaph website, so I can continue the sharing.

MP3 | Source

04. Textures – Old Days Born Anew

‘Silhouettes’ is the latest from French-based Textures, and it features this impressively heavy, yet melodic and technical song in its barrage of the human ear. Available on their myspace, this could be your first taste of Textures, so savour it or flick it. I know it’s not to everyone’s taste, but give it a whirl.

MP3 | Source

05. Kidcrash – The Ground That Eats You

Kidcrash have been put in the situation that no band wants to be put in. And that situation is: not being paid a dime for your music. Their label kept, and continues to keep, 100% of the money made from selling Kidcrash records digitally. Here they are, fighting back, by giving it away for free. And I’m glad they are, just to give you a taste of the brilliant effort they appear to throw into every song. It’s a tremendous effort and I highly recommend getting the full album. [No MP3 link here, as it comes within the album set.]

MP3 | Album | Source

06. Fightstar – Phalahniuk’s Laughter

Probably the most well known band so far, Charlie has a past with really awful music in it, but forget Busted, and give Fightstar a chance. Their debut single, which seems so very far back now, still packs a huge amount of punch with its huge bassy riff that charges through your ears while the drums kick your face into submission. It’s a buffet of wrestling for your ears.

MP3 |Source

07. Emanuel – The Willing

While Emanuel’s second effort may have lacked absolutely any talent whatsoever, their first still gets a huge amount of play from me. With songs like this leading the charge, why wouldn’t it. My advice? Don’t invest too much in this band, but definitely get a hold of their debut album.

MP3 |Source

08. Dustin Kensrue – Pistol

Thrice’s frontman shows us why Earth from ‘The Alchemy Index’ worked so well. This experimentally folky album from Dustin showed the depth of his writing talent before he got to it with his band. A greats song, and it’s free!

MP3 |Source

09. Maybeshewill – Not For Want Of Trying

This is probably the best song of Maybeshewill’s Debut album ‘Not For Want Of Trying’, which shows their destructive rawkus riffs, and their use of very early 65daysofstatic sampling and electronic music put to the greatest effect. I’m not sure where the speech in this song comes from, but whatever it is it will never sound as good in whatever film it’s from without this accompanying it. At least, not anymore!

MP3 | Source

10. The People Involved - Stuck

Another relatively unknown band here showing of their strengths in what’s closest to post-rock with lyrics. Recently, I’ve been completely bummed out by the fact that I know the perfect pairing for this band, Amusement Parks on Fire, are playing a show in London that I just cannot make. Their EP (and a CD of sneaky
demos I got sent by the band themselves) showed themselves to be an incredible band, and one I’d keep a hawk eye on in the future.

MP3 |Source

11. Bomb The Music Industry! – I Don’t Love You Anymore

Get used to seeing this band name and the label ‘Quote Unquote Records’ here, as I will mention it on basically every CD, as their entire ethos is based on giving music away for free. Something that I am clearly on board with! This song, coming from the 2007 album ‘Get Warmer’ is an ingeniously Blues Brothers-esque hit! Get it! Love it! Or don’t, as the song suggests.

MP3| Album | Source

12. Saves The Day – At Your Funeral

Probably the oldest song on this compilation, it could still be new to you! A great little pop punk song that I can imagine being the biggest anthem at any Saves The Day gig. Though I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been, but probably. It’s a great song and to survive this long on the labels site is a testament to its sheer pop-punk power.

MP3 |Source

13. Atmosphere – Trying To Find A Balance

In response to criticism, this is the most Hip-hop you’ll get, at least on HNM1. Atmosphere is on Epitaph Records, who give this incredible song away for free. This is another one from the Punk-O-Rama CDs, which are a bargain by the way, always coming out for 5 quid or less. It’s got a great beat and the lyrics spit out of this mans mouth like air, taking the world in and putting it back out in words.

MP3 | Source

14. Error – Nothing’s Working

Coming from Nine Inch Nails collaborator Atticus Ross and Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz, Error is probably the most alienating thing on HNM1. It’s raw ferociousness and intelligent studio workings create an insane and screaming work of genius. Love it or loathe it, it’s here.

MP3 |Source

15. Talk Less, Say More – Someone Else’s Summer

Talk Less, Say More come from a more eclectic version of Quote Unquote’s ethos at Records on Ribs, and involve more of a home studio blips and bops feel to their sounds. It creates an eerie yet satisfying sound to this otherwise delightful tune. [Again, no MP3 link here, as it comes within the album set. Also, this link leads you to the MP3 album. There are also Ogg and Flac versions available under the Source link.]

MP3 | Album | Source

16. Transistor Transistor – Letter Of Resignation

I’ll keep it short, like the song. Blow your mind with this intense punk rock n’ roll sound that triumphs through your ears like an elephant through a cake shop.

MP3 |Source

17. The Ocean Fracture – Polaroid Intimacy

A wee band from just outside Glasgow, Scotland, destroys faces with theirincredible mix of melodic hardcore and Dillinger Escape Plan-esque drumming. Polaroid Intimacy is nothing short of a great example of what they do. It can be heavy, even devastatingly so, then it can be melodic and calmed out, but be assured that it will be back to kick you in the teeth before the song is over. One thing’s for sure, this is definitely a band to keep an eye on.

MP3 | Source

18. The Fall Of Troy – Cut Down All The Trees And Name The Streets After Them

In an entirely different way from the aforementioned, Fall Of Troy also destroys faces, but instead, this is with chaotic riffs and surprisingly catchy elements. Sometimes, you can get quite lost in a very pop riff from Fall Of Troy, not here though. Here, instead, they focus on bringing the beef. Enjoy it, it’s home-farmed.

MP3 | Source

19. Misery Signals – One Day I’ll Come Home (Feat. Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy)

And now, probably the best hardcore band on the planet: Misery Signals. They do what most other hardcore bands wish they could do: bring the most intense heavy music possible, keep melodic elements constant and fresh, with an incredible vocal mix to sharpen everything up. This song features all these elements in an incredible overflow of talent, and I couldn’t think of a better way to end the first HNM. Enjoy.

MP3 |Source

Till next time,