Friday, 27 February 2009

005 Single

When I first featured Bomb The Music Industry! I toyed with having them as the single. The only reason I didn't is because they had a huge repitoir of music available online, which I hadn't sucessfully gotten through all of. With 5 albums and a split for free on the internet, I just didn't have the time. Now that I've wasted a great few more months listening to music, I've got a better idea of how to approach this one. So without further ado, Hear New Music 005's single is from none other than...

Bomb The Music Industry!

This one, however, is more of a super-inflated Double A single, up to the proportion of about 7 songs, just due to the sheer size and wealth of their back-catalogue. Enjoy!

1. Fresh Attitude, Young Body
2. I Don't Love You Anymore
3. Big Plans Of Sleeping In
4. Brian Wilson Says SMiLE A.K.A. Beard Of Defiance
5. Depression Is No Fun
6. 25!!!
7. Fuck The Fans
Bonus: Saddr Weirdr (Live on the pink couch at If You Make It)

Enjoy! All this stuff all comes from the Quote Unquote Records albums page. GO MENTAL AND DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING.

HNM006 super-fast!

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