Friday, 19 December 2008

Hear New Music 004

I know, it's been a while.

Shall we get started? This conversation has gotten a little awkward. By the way, everyone chose Dennis right?

1. A Wilhelm Scream - The Rip
How better to start than by ripping out your jugular with one big chord, and then dance on your body with deuling guitars? I mean, it's just perfect. Apart from the dying. Anyway, this is a great quick song from the excellent live band A Wilhelm Scream, who I recently caught tearing up a stage in Belgium. Those Belgians are crazy! In the nice way.
MP3 | Source

2. Eaten By Tigers - Secrets of the Plains
This is a seemingly internet only song from the London band who I just can't get enough of. I bought their EP online and proudly wear the badges they sent at every oppertunity. I cannot praise this band enough. For lack of disriptive words, they sound like Errors having tea with 65daysofstatic while eating up a healthy diet of This Will Destroy You. What more could you ask for? Oh, a side dish of genocide.
MP3 | Source

3. Turbonegro - All My Friends Are Dead
When you think about it, which I clearly didn't, this isn't the best song to put after a song about genocide, but it's just too good. "All my friends are dead, they got kicked in the head, All my friends are dead." Cheerful bunch. Well, actually they kinda are! If you've ever seen Turbonegro live, and you should, you will know that they bring the party! Even to Belgium!
MP3 | Source

4. Alexisonfire - Accidents
An 'oldie' but a goodie. Okay, so it's not that old, maybe five years? It doesn't matter, it's a great song, and one of their best, especially live. Thw whoa-oh-oh's are oh-so perfect, yet don't feel overly faked, especially in a song about (what one can only assume) a song about life and death in the ER. Great song.
MP3 | Source

5. No Trigger - More To Offer
Here's another great song. You know a band are good when you see them supporting a band you love (A Wilhelm Scream at King Tuts in Glasgow), and buy their album almost immediately after the show. It was a great choice, as the album is incredible, as this song well represents. If you get the chance, catch this band live.
MP3 | Source

6. Russian Circles - Death Rides A Horse
Russian Circles are as close to brilliance as any band could be. They have post-metal/rock brilliance simmering under their guitar fiddleing and bass and drums thundering. Add all that to great riffs and incredible song writing and you have one of the best bands out now. Imagine Mastodon jamming without singing and you might get it.
MP3 | Source

7. Errors - National Prism
Remember how I described Eaten By Tigers way back there? Yeah, well this is the band I meant. Errors hail from Glasgow, and I have a bigger link to the band than you'd ever have guessed. My mum did Steev's hair for his prom due to the fact that that he's friends with my sister. And now they're this good a band. Who would've thought it? Not me! A great song, by a great band.
MP3 | Source

8. Lost on Purpose - Friends
Now lets bring the tone back down. Firstly, in music terms, and secondly, in lyrical content. Yet again, let us welcome back singing about your friends as they die. "It won't be long until our friends are dead." Aww, how nice. Still, this is one of the best acoustic songs I've ever heard, so y'know... fuck it.
MP3 | Source

9. Mansions - OMG
This young boy is hailed as the next big acoustic star, and rightly so, with his great free EP Mr Boddy circulating over at The EP is so good I listened to it 3 times in a row, and still had no idea which song to pick for this. I opted for this one purely because I love the triple guitar in the midddle, and anyone who doesn't? Well then, tough luck!
Mr. Boddy EP Zip | Source

10. Pompeii - Rabbit Ears
See, theres this thing I can't find. Does america have indie bands? If they do, they're probably from the UK, or sound like this band. Which, for me, is a great reason to go and live in the states. If this truely is what American Indie sounds like, I'd like to do a swap, America can have our terrible scene, while we steal their incedible one, starting with Pompeii. Yes, please.
Eyeball Awareness 3 Compolation Zip | Source

11. Attica! Attica! - A Dirge For The Underground
I don't know much about this band, in fact I'm not sure where this Mp3 came from (it was the Red Leader Records site). What I do know is that they sound like Alkaline Trio when they wrote good music, compared to now when they are boring. Plus, they have this great vocal section in the middle which is just fraking brilliant.
Red Leader Records Sampler 2008 Zip | Source

12. 31 Knots - Compass Commands
Another band I think I randomly downloaded from Fat Wreck, this one are killer. They have a great swagger and drunken caberet feel with the simple piano clicking into place with a great vocal lead and brilliant sounding guitars. Check it out, now.
MP3 | Source

13. Walking Concert - What's Your New Thing
I heard this song years ago, and I loved it. I actively seeked this one out so I could share its brilliance with you. Just a quick, simple, american Indie style. Enjoy.
MP3 | Source

14. Panthers - We Are Louder
Again, I knew of this song previously, and thought I could really blow your faces off with it. If you don't like the start, hang in there, it's not just noise. It's a slow building lumbering huge epic. Crazy, right? Truely, they are "getting, louder." (A general note, this song should have come from Epic records site, but that link didn't work, after a bit of searching, I found it on which said it was from Vice records themselves. Going slightly outside my own boundries, but who cares? It's christmas!)
MP3 | Source

15. Architects - Always
This is basically the only metal you're getting this time, so enjoy it! Architects were great when they brought their debut album 'Nightmares' out, and even though this one took a longer time to impress on me, especially with the new vocalist, it's hefty brilliant. It has all those elements that made them the best Metal band in britain when they first came out. Post-rock hints, chug-a-thon beatdown, great lyrics and an altogether Misery Signals-esque sound, which is never ever bad.
Century Media Fall Sampler 2008 Zip | Source

16. - Can I Get More Steel in My Monitors
Of course, there comes a time in a CD when you need to wind down. But this isn't it. No, this near seven minute post-rock/odd timing funk-rock song keeps the party going just a little bit longer. It's Battles inviting Ahleuchatistas to rock out with them and Shels, who brought along their buddies This Will Destroy You. Ahhhh, what a lovely tea party.
MP3 | Source

17. Elliott Smith - Twilight
Now, lets start winding down with an oldie from acoustic genius Elliot Smith. This song is just incredible. I love it. You will too. And it blends seemlessly into the last song.
MP3 | Source

18. Red Sparowes - Alone And Unaware, The Landscape Was Transformed In Front Of Our Eyes.
I've loved this song for years. Even if I can't get into Red Sparowes as much as I'd like, this song always remains on playlists, tapes, mp3 players and CDs no matter what. I love this big pretty song, and it is my pleasure to share the love further with you. Post-rock at it's finest.
MP3 | Source

Till next time.

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