Sunday, 24 August 2008

Hear New Music 001

Here it is, the first in a hopefully long line of HNM. Here I offer the mp3 links (where possible) alongside the source link (the page it is from) for every song. As well as this I'm going to try and have a zip file and torrent of each HNM, with the music, the artwork and simple tracklisting, as well as a Nero cover package for all of you who own it. If there is another free cover creator free to download for everyone, let me know where to find it, and I shall use it instead. For now, simply enjoy.

Edit: Now with playlist-y goodness!

01. 65daysofstatic – I Swallowed Hard Like I Understood

England based 65daysofstatic share one of their more rock-orientated songs from their incredible debut album “The Fall Of Math”. It’s one of many songs hosted on their official website, although it is, like this, mostly older material that gets the share. Still, be grateful of any, as it’s a worthwhile introduction to a great bands already stunning back catalogue.

MP3 | Source

02. The Snake, The Cross, The Crown – Behold The River

From the 2007 album ‘Cotton Teeth’, this is a perfect example of why The Snake The Cross The Crown are a band that needs to be noticed. Their two albums simply wash over you with an immense power I didn’t think a band that mix folk and rock could do. I highly recommend getting either album by this band, ‘Mander Salis’ for more on the rock side, and ‘Cotton Teeth’ for more folk-fare.

MP3 | Source

03. The Weakerthans – Plea From A Cat Named Virtue

After hearing this song on Punk-O-Rama 9, I was initially perplexed, but after giving it a few more listens, I decided it was my favourite song on the compilation, and that’s a pretty tall order considering the Refused and Error songs on there. Luckily though, this song is available for free on the Epitaph website, so I can continue the sharing.

MP3 | Source

04. Textures – Old Days Born Anew

‘Silhouettes’ is the latest from French-based Textures, and it features this impressively heavy, yet melodic and technical song in its barrage of the human ear. Available on their myspace, this could be your first taste of Textures, so savour it or flick it. I know it’s not to everyone’s taste, but give it a whirl.

MP3 | Source

05. Kidcrash – The Ground That Eats You

Kidcrash have been put in the situation that no band wants to be put in. And that situation is: not being paid a dime for your music. Their label kept, and continues to keep, 100% of the money made from selling Kidcrash records digitally. Here they are, fighting back, by giving it away for free. And I’m glad they are, just to give you a taste of the brilliant effort they appear to throw into every song. It’s a tremendous effort and I highly recommend getting the full album. [No MP3 link here, as it comes within the album set.]

MP3 | Album | Source

06. Fightstar – Phalahniuk’s Laughter

Probably the most well known band so far, Charlie has a past with really awful music in it, but forget Busted, and give Fightstar a chance. Their debut single, which seems so very far back now, still packs a huge amount of punch with its huge bassy riff that charges through your ears while the drums kick your face into submission. It’s a buffet of wrestling for your ears.

MP3 |Source

07. Emanuel – The Willing

While Emanuel’s second effort may have lacked absolutely any talent whatsoever, their first still gets a huge amount of play from me. With songs like this leading the charge, why wouldn’t it. My advice? Don’t invest too much in this band, but definitely get a hold of their debut album.

MP3 |Source

08. Dustin Kensrue – Pistol

Thrice’s frontman shows us why Earth from ‘The Alchemy Index’ worked so well. This experimentally folky album from Dustin showed the depth of his writing talent before he got to it with his band. A greats song, and it’s free!

MP3 |Source

09. Maybeshewill – Not For Want Of Trying

This is probably the best song of Maybeshewill’s Debut album ‘Not For Want Of Trying’, which shows their destructive rawkus riffs, and their use of very early 65daysofstatic sampling and electronic music put to the greatest effect. I’m not sure where the speech in this song comes from, but whatever it is it will never sound as good in whatever film it’s from without this accompanying it. At least, not anymore!

MP3 | Source

10. The People Involved - Stuck

Another relatively unknown band here showing of their strengths in what’s closest to post-rock with lyrics. Recently, I’ve been completely bummed out by the fact that I know the perfect pairing for this band, Amusement Parks on Fire, are playing a show in London that I just cannot make. Their EP (and a CD of sneaky
demos I got sent by the band themselves) showed themselves to be an incredible band, and one I’d keep a hawk eye on in the future.

MP3 |Source

11. Bomb The Music Industry! – I Don’t Love You Anymore

Get used to seeing this band name and the label ‘Quote Unquote Records’ here, as I will mention it on basically every CD, as their entire ethos is based on giving music away for free. Something that I am clearly on board with! This song, coming from the 2007 album ‘Get Warmer’ is an ingeniously Blues Brothers-esque hit! Get it! Love it! Or don’t, as the song suggests.

MP3| Album | Source

12. Saves The Day – At Your Funeral

Probably the oldest song on this compilation, it could still be new to you! A great little pop punk song that I can imagine being the biggest anthem at any Saves The Day gig. Though I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been, but probably. It’s a great song and to survive this long on the labels site is a testament to its sheer pop-punk power.

MP3 |Source

13. Atmosphere – Trying To Find A Balance

In response to criticism, this is the most Hip-hop you’ll get, at least on HNM1. Atmosphere is on Epitaph Records, who give this incredible song away for free. This is another one from the Punk-O-Rama CDs, which are a bargain by the way, always coming out for 5 quid or less. It’s got a great beat and the lyrics spit out of this mans mouth like air, taking the world in and putting it back out in words.

MP3 | Source

14. Error – Nothing’s Working

Coming from Nine Inch Nails collaborator Atticus Ross and Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz, Error is probably the most alienating thing on HNM1. It’s raw ferociousness and intelligent studio workings create an insane and screaming work of genius. Love it or loathe it, it’s here.

MP3 |Source

15. Talk Less, Say More – Someone Else’s Summer

Talk Less, Say More come from a more eclectic version of Quote Unquote’s ethos at Records on Ribs, and involve more of a home studio blips and bops feel to their sounds. It creates an eerie yet satisfying sound to this otherwise delightful tune. [Again, no MP3 link here, as it comes within the album set. Also, this link leads you to the MP3 album. There are also Ogg and Flac versions available under the Source link.]

MP3 | Album | Source

16. Transistor Transistor – Letter Of Resignation

I’ll keep it short, like the song. Blow your mind with this intense punk rock n’ roll sound that triumphs through your ears like an elephant through a cake shop.

MP3 |Source

17. The Ocean Fracture – Polaroid Intimacy

A wee band from just outside Glasgow, Scotland, destroys faces with theirincredible mix of melodic hardcore and Dillinger Escape Plan-esque drumming. Polaroid Intimacy is nothing short of a great example of what they do. It can be heavy, even devastatingly so, then it can be melodic and calmed out, but be assured that it will be back to kick you in the teeth before the song is over. One thing’s for sure, this is definitely a band to keep an eye on.

MP3 | Source

18. The Fall Of Troy – Cut Down All The Trees And Name The Streets After Them

In an entirely different way from the aforementioned, Fall Of Troy also destroys faces, but instead, this is with chaotic riffs and surprisingly catchy elements. Sometimes, you can get quite lost in a very pop riff from Fall Of Troy, not here though. Here, instead, they focus on bringing the beef. Enjoy it, it’s home-farmed.

MP3 | Source

19. Misery Signals – One Day I’ll Come Home (Feat. Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy)

And now, probably the best hardcore band on the planet: Misery Signals. They do what most other hardcore bands wish they could do: bring the most intense heavy music possible, keep melodic elements constant and fresh, with an incredible vocal mix to sharpen everything up. This song features all these elements in an incredible overflow of talent, and I couldn’t think of a better way to end the first HNM. Enjoy.

MP3 |Source

Till next time,

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Yes. Welcome.

Alright then, let's begin shall we?

This is a blog that shall try to uncover the rare brilliance of the internet, and it's greatest commodity: Music.

Music is out there, being played, right now. You don't know what it is, it could be anything. Folk, pop, rock, hardcore, dance, anything. The internet has brought musicians closer together, helped new bands find fans, and helped the general public find music they're interested in too.

I hope to be a further cog in the machine.

This will be a place to come, and download a mixtape, entirely legally, made only from music made available by bands or the labels on the internet for free. There is no profit involved, other than the furthering of the music endeavors of good bands.

It's free for the bands to distribute their music on the internet.
It's free for me to gather the music.
It's free for you to download it.

You may find music you like, that you wouldn't normally have come across! Who knows?

The first CD shall be up soon.