Oh dear. Things are not going well this month.
FIRST. Blogspot deleted Hear New Music 002 (along with thousands of others blog entries) and it has not been returned, so I have a rubbish one without links in it's place.
Edit! This has not been fixed! Boo!
SECOND. Rapidshare deleted the zip file of HNM002 citing "Due to a violation of our terms of use, the file has been removed from the server." And I have yet to recieve an email back regarding the exact term of use I have failed on, as (under the creative commons copyright regarding music given away free on the internet) I'm pretty much safe. [Torrents are uneffected! Continue!]
Edit! Rapidshare still haven't gotten back to me, but I've put it somewhere else, accessable from the links to the right. Hurrah!
THIRD. I'm not drunk enough.
Edit! I'm still not drunk enough.
003 is in the works.
Edit! 003 is finished, I'm just typing it all up to be nice and lovely for you all. :)